Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vulnerable is Beautiful

...a little gift from my heart to yours.

made in one take. no edits. no cuts. just love.

Vulnerable Is Beautiful from Rachael Maddox on Vimeo.


rachkbender@gmail.com said...

I came across your blog very randomly and I think it was no coincidence. Like all of our interactions, it was a happy stumbling upon something/someone I resonate with. Thanks for the bursts of creativity, I really enjoyed your story. Hope you are well!
-Rachel Bender

Rachael said...

so glad we ran into each other again in the sweetest of ways :)

Unknown said...

wonderful, Rach! i miss you!
-Spencer Czapiewski

Deirdre said...

let's hang out. <3

Sandra said...

Lovely. After watching it, I thought, "I have to try" (a dream I've been thinking about).

Anonymous said...

wow - i really needed this message today. thanks!


Kris Loya said...

So this is super AWESOME! AND super weird!!!
We met last year when four of us mondo beyondo/dreamlab girls met up for coffee at Stacys in Falls Church (or was it vienna) I tried finding your blog so i could follow you on your bike trip and i never could find it. I signed up for Mondo this morning and went to Jen Lemen's blog and found your video there. Clicked so i could find a link to share on facebook and it was YOUR blog!
Yay! Hi!
Off to check out your bike blog.
This video is amazing and exactly what i needed today. Thank you.
Nice to 'see' you again too :)

Mary said...

Amazing. Thanks for making this!