Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bringing Ourselves to the World Situation: Natural, Organic, Real :: Age & Meaning with Julie Daley

I love Julie Daley. This woman is wise love, fierce tenderness, holy gorgeous evolution right before our eyes.

Listen in as Julie highlights her wisdom on the non-conventionality of being a young mom, learning to trust your self and body, gender relations and becoming whole, love and solitude, silence... and so much more.

Mostly, if you want a 9 minute deep breath of earthly divine wisdom, this interview is yours for savoring.

Age & Meaning with Rachael Maddox: Julie Daley from Rachael Maddox on Vimeo.

Deep deep gratitude to you, Julie, for your time, your spirit, your powerful radiant force of love.

PS--For more Age & Meaning interviews, head to the Art page of my site. xoxox